Laughter helps us to release lots
of stresses of daily life, so wouldn't you think it should
almost be compulsory to laugh at least 100 times a day???Or is it too much??
All of us seek for happiness in our life and one of the most powerful form of joy is laughter.This hilarity is part of our body system but the sad part of it is that many of us are ignorant of it and instead we frown more than we laugh daily.
almost be compulsory to laugh at least 100 times a day???Or is it too much??
All of us seek for happiness in our life and one of the most powerful form of joy is laughter.This hilarity is part of our body system but the sad part of it is that many of us are ignorant of it and instead we frown more than we laugh daily.
We often hear people complaining of having worries, tensed muscles, void in their heart or having a heavy heart, angry, unhappy and other well being issues not realise that a jolly good laugh can ease these problems.
Laughter is cheap and easily available within us and is a form of energy of which the more of it is spent the more of it remains.
We laugh or smile (smile is regarded as silent laughter) at some point of time in a day and often we find that it is not easy to pinpoint what exactly provoked the funny sensation but we feel good about it.Don't you think so?????
According to a medical research, which measured extensively the movements we make on our face and also our entire body when we smile and when we laugh is that all 600 muscles in our body play some form of “internal exercise” involving internal organs.
In India, there is a moved by a unique wave for happy living that
has hit the country where laughter is promoted as a technique to remove stress
and promote joyful living.Called as the Laughter Yoga, it combines laughter
exercises with yoga breathing which brings more oxygen to the body and brain making
one feel more energetic and healthy.
The laughter technique was developed by Indian physician Dr Madan
Kataria who established the first laughter club in 1995 in Mumbai and
currently there are over 6,000 laughter clubs in 60 countries(maybe we should
build one in Malaysia).
A joyful belly laugh can exercise thoroughly the muscles, nerves and organs of the main torso.And if you were able to sustain a belly-laugh for an 30 minutes or more, you could laugh off as many as 500 calories!(wow!!!)
A joyful belly laugh can exercise thoroughly the muscles, nerves and organs of the main torso.And if you were able to sustain a belly-laugh for an 30 minutes or more, you could laugh off as many as 500 calories!(wow!!!)
The laughter group say that while we laugh, our whole body is exercised and after we finish laughing, our whole body begins to “lighten up” and we relax tensed muscle, reduce stress in the nerves, massage the lungs, restore a full and flowing breathing pattern and gently expand our circulation once more.
Our laughter often remains a mystery and found that one of
the joyous moments for anyone is being in the company of infants because they
smile when asleep or while awake.The cheerfulness the child displays is unexplainable
but it is infectious and it can bring about healing harmony when we come in
contact with the baby.Are you agree about it???Today laughter has been
recognised as a legitimate form of therapy as people seek for it as an escape
or diversion.
While we seek for fun from outside sources, individuals should be
made to understand that we have the ability to see the lighter side of things
in our everyday life.This is vital because it enables us to remain cheerful and
happy always.People should remember that we don’t stop laughing because we grow
old but we grow old because we stop laughing.So, start laughing from now
ok!!!hehee..I remember a quote that said "A smile is a pleasure you can
give away." I love the bumper sticker that says "If you see
someone without a smile, give them one of yours." Who knows? You might
get one. Don't you think so???